don’t worry about what has been or what might be, focus on the what is.

A Journey for the Mind and Spirit

What We Do

Guided Journeys


Take your mind on a journey that stimulates all your senses, leaving you relaxed, rejuvenated, and ready to live life to the fullest.

Blog Posts


Our blog posts are meant to educate and inspire the mind, spirit and body.



Join us as we discuss mental health, physical health, and a little bit of everything.

When you embrace the you that you are today then you can begin to create the you that you want to be.

Wesley Sellers

Frequently Asked Questions

What is mindfulness?

Mindfulness is an awareness of our thoughts, feelings, and senses in the moment.

What is guided meditation?

Guided meditation takes you through breathing and imagery to stimulate the mindfulness portion of the mind. In guided meditation we use verbal descriptions in order to trigger all the senses. When your mind is focused on visualizing, smelling, feeling, etc. it is able to disconnect itself from the outside stresses and allow relaxation, rejuvenation and refocusing.

Is community support encouraged?

We encourage and welcome input from the community, feel free to leave comments on our blogs, videos, or social media. All that we ask is that you keep it positive, there is no room for negativity and degradation, our goal is to create a safe community where people can be uplifted and inspired.

How can the community help?

First and foremost we welcome feedback as well as involvement. If you have expertise in a specific field and are interested in joining us for an interview, podcast, or video please reach out.

We do not currently have any subscriptions or charge for any services because we want to make it available to everyone; however there is cost associated with running the website and producing the content so any support would be appreciated.


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